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What information is displayed under the heading Debts in Inyett Search?

In Inyett Search under Company Control, it is checked whether a company has any debts or payment notes.

The types of debt/payment notices we check are:

A-objective (KFM) - The company has a debt balance with the Norwegian Kronofogdemyndigheten to the state and/or municipality.
E-mål (KFM) - The company has a debt balance with the Swedish Enforcement Agency to the private sector.
A-objective (Bet.anm) - The company has a payment remark within the last 5 years to the state and/or municipality.
E-mål (Bet.anm) - The company has a payment reminder within the last 5 years to the private sector.



If a company receives any of the above checks, you can find more information in the "Liabilities" box further down the page, which you can find by clicking on "See more".

Here you can see information about the current debt balance at the Swedish Enforcement Agency for debt types A-case and E-case, as well as payment notices regarding A-case and E-case that are associated with the company during the last 5 years.


Current debt balance (KFM)
The table 'Actual debt balance (KFM)' shows information about the current debt balance at the Swedish Enforcement Agency for debt types A-target and E-target. Inyett presents the total debt balance for debts related to A goals (state and/or municipality) and E goals (private sector).

Payment notes (Last 5 years)
The table for Payment notices shows all payment notices (ongoing and historical) that a company has received during the last 5 years. We present the total amount for payment notices related to A cases (the state and/or municipality) and E cases (private sector). A payment note is still registered  even if it has been paid in full, or is still associated with a debt balance. (as shown in the table 'Current debt balance (KFM))

Debt score (debt rating)
Based on the current debt balance, ongoing and historical payment notices for the last 5 years, Inyett presents a Debt Score (Debt Rating) for the company between 0 and 95. The debt balance and the various types of debt together with the amount of current/historic payment notices are compared against the company's turnover and registration date to set a point.

0-35 shows green
36-69 shows yellow
70-95 shows red

The size of the debts in relation to the company's turnover, type of debt, the company's registration date are components that affect the Debt Score.

If the company has a large turnover but a low debt balance, they will receive a lower debt score compared to a company with low turnover.
Companies that have payment notices in the last 5 years of both types, A target and E target, can receive a maximum of 35 points regardless of the amount of the payment notices.
If the company is registered during the current or previous year, the debt score for the company will be higher than if the company has been registered for a long time.

The debt score does not take into account company status such as Reconstruction, Bankruptcy Application, Liquidation and Bankruptcy, these are outside the debt score and are shown under Company Status.