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How does the warning Personrelation (Owner) work in Inyett Detect and AutoPay Detect?

A warning is generated when a payment is made to a recipient where a social security number specified for monitoring appears as the owner.

Click on Settings to exclude payees/account numbers from warnings.


To Upload a list follow the instructions below. Add or adjust settings click arrow (Active settings). To exclude organization number/account number click on arrow (Exclude Account Number, Exclude Organization Number) this means that the account number/organization number that is added will not generate any warning. Then click Exclude. It is also possible to remove excluded entries. Then click on the trashcan.


Manage warnings by clicking on Manage as below. Choose the different handling types:

Share: The warning is shared with a colleague who is posted as a user in Inyett and notified via email.

Comment: Manage by commenting the warning. Information that is displayed is who the user is who comments, the date of the comment and the comment itself.

Complete/ Complete (Action): Manage by checking off the warning as completed..