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How does warning F-tax work in Inyett Detect and AutoPay Detect?

Warning F-tax warns when a payment is made to a recipient who is not registered for F-tax.

Note that non-profit associations are not audited or warned about F-tax because they do not necessarily need to have F-tax if they are not for profit.


Set the conditions under which the Inyett account should be noticed for the warning F-tax. With the Snooze function, a new warning is generated only after 30, 90 or 180 days from the previous warning of the same type to the same payee. Choose to exclude the payee's organization number from future warnings, or enter one or more account numbers linked to the payee. The setting is only possible for you with administrator rights.

Click on Settings to exclude payees/account numbers from warnings.


Click arrow to set Snooze function or Exclude Account Number, Exclude Organization Number below to exclude account number/organization number. Then click Exclude. It is also possible to remove excluded entries. Then click on the trashcan.


Manage warnings by clicking on Manage as below. Choose the different handling types:

Share: The warning is shared with a colleague who is posted as a user in Inyett and notified via email.

Comment: Manage by commenting the warning. Information that is displayed is who the user is who comments, the date of the comment and the comment itself.

Complete/ Complete (Action): Manage by checking off the warning as completed..